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Sabtu, 15 Oktober 2011

ENGLISH VERSION_Business Ownership Non Company

Business Ownership Non Company

All operators must decide what form of ownership that best suits their purpose. This option also affects many managerial and financial issues, so it is very important. Entrepreneurs should consider their own choice, short-term needs and long term as well as the advantages and disadvantages of each form.

Individual business
Private enterprise is a business that owns and is usually operated by one person in charge of all his debts.
Advantages of Business Persons
Freedom may be the most important benefits of private enterprise. Private enterprise is also easy to form, another very interesting feature is the tax year in perlonggarnya bills for businesses that may suffer losses in their early stages. Thus they can cut taxes by cutting business losses of the opinion that was obtained from sources other personal and business.
Weakness of Business Persons
The main drawback is the responsibility of the infinite. Another disadvantage is the lack of continuity: individual effort disbanded when its owner died. Finally, depending on individual business resource of one person's managerial and financial constraints may hamper the business itself.

The most common type, general partnership (CV and firm) is a business with two or more owners who together operate the company and have the financial responsibility for all debts.
Advantages Guild
The most memncolok advantage of the general partnership is the ability to grow with the addition of new talent and money. The Guild is easier to borrow rather than individual effort.
Weakness Guild
Greatest deficiency of the fellowship is an unlimited liability. All bear all the debts are in charge atasnama fellowship.
Alternative Common Guild
1. Guild Commanditaire (CV) is a type of partnership comprised of limited partners and a managing partner or active partner.
2. Commanditaire ally is an ally that did not participate in the company's management and are responsible for the debts of the investment limited partner in the state.
3. Public Allies is an ally who actively manage the company and who has unlimited liability for its debts.
4. Master Limited Partnership is a form of ownership that sells shares to investors who receive income and pay tax on income from earnings.

Cooperatives are a form of ownership with the ownership group or partnership runggal who agree to work together to their mutual advantage. Cooperative provides power for greater production, greater marketing power, or both, to its members. On the other hand, is basically very limited cooperation in serving the specific needs of its members.

The company is a business that is legally considered as a separate entity from the owners and is responsible for its own debts, the owner replied tanggubg limited to the amount of their investment.
Keuntunga Company
Limited responsibility, the responsibility of the investors is limited to their personal investment in the company. Another advantage is the community, because it has a separate legal life of the founders and owners, the company can, at least in theory, stand forever.
Company Losses
1. The tender offer is an offer to purchase shares made by the prospective buyer directly to the company's shareholders. A company can be taken over even against the wishes of his manager.
2. Double taxation, tax situation either by the company on earnings in the get it as well as by shareholders for dividend opinion.
Advantages and disadvantages of the company as a form of business ownership has inspired legislation regulating various types of companies. Below we discuss the various types of companies:

Type of Company
• Limited Liability Companies, individuals are limited in the menjadi2, namely:
a. Closed Company Limited is a company whose stock is held only by a few people and can not be on sale to the general public.
b. Public Limited Company is perusahaanyang hold shares in only by a few people that can not be on sale to the general public.
• Corporation is the result of a mix between private company and fellowship, in governance and in operasikian like the company but is considered a partnership for tax purposes.
• Limited Liability Corporation, the company that the owners of the business in partnership taxable as each only pay personal taxes. But they also enjoy the benefits of limited liability companies like his thing.
• Professional Company largely composed of professionals who take the benefit of the company while giving them limited liability businesses and professional responsibilities are not limited
• Multinational Enterprises, is a form of enterprise that crosses national borders. Shares of companies like that can be traded on stock exchanges in several countries, and general managers from different countries.
Managing Company
At that time the company was formed entity, the company is managed by individuals who understand the complex principles of corporate governance.
Government Companies
Government companies are the shareholders, directors and other managers in corporate decision making. Now we will discuss more details about the type of corporate governance.
 Share Ownership and Shareholder Rights
a. Preferred Stock, the shares which guarantees fixed dividends to the holder and has a priority claim on company property but do not have the right to vote in the company.
b. Common Stock, shares of which ensure the right to vote at the company but have the last kliam company property.
 Board of Directors
The board of directors is the body responsible for controlling the company, which provides reports to shareholders and delegate authority to run the daily operations.
 Officer
Although amnggota board of directors is responsible for company operations many of them do not participate directly to the daily management. And top managers in hiring by the board of directors to run a company called execituve chief officer.

Special Issues in Corporate Ownership
In recent years several special issues arise that became the cornerstone of corporate ownership, among others:
 Joint Venture and Strategic Nature
If the partners share ownership of the company, call it in the joint venture. While the strategy in which two or more organizations work together on projects for reciprocal benefits.
 Employee Stock Ownership Plan
The employee stock ownership plan, employees may have a possible for the company's stock in sufficient quantities bresar through the trust fund established on behalf of the employees.
 Institutional Ownership
Most individual investors do not have sufficient shares affect the company's management. Thus more and more investors buy shares in the institutional. Institutional investors are the venture funds that foundations and retirement funds to buy company stock in large quantities.
 Merger, Acquisition, Divestitur, and Spin Off
Mergers and acquisitions involving the merger of two or more companies are legitimate. While the acquisition itself is the purchase of a \ one company by another company. If the strategy in which a company sells one or more business units in the call then the divestiture, and if the strategy set up one or more units of the company as a new independent company called spin-off

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