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Sabtu, 15 Oktober 2011


Market and Competition
Adalahsekelompok market buyers and sellers of goods or services. The market certainly has a lot of forms that we meet on economic buffer

Competitive Market
Markets can have many forms. Sometimes the market is well organized and neat, like the agricultural commodity markets. In a market like this, buyers and sellers meet at a time and place of periodicals, where an auctioneer helps set prices and arrange sales. But not all forms of such a market, there are also markets that are not well organized.
Although not organized, group of buyers and sellers establish a market group. Each buyer knows that there are some sellers yag can choose, and every seller is aware that its product is similar to products in other sellers offer.
From this we can know that the Competitive Market is a market in which there are many buyers or sellers so that each buyer or seller has a very small effect on market prices. A seller has no reason to sell cheaper than the prevailing price, and if he sells more expensive, buyers will run away and buy from another seller. Likewise, no one buyer can affect the price because each buyer bought only in small amounts.

Competition: Perfect and Not Perfect
Perfectly competitive market is defined by the following two properties (1) goods that are sold all the same, and (2) buyers and sellers were so many that no single buyer or seller can influence market prices. Because buyers and sellers in a perfectly competitive market must accept the price determined by the market, they called price takers
There are only a few markets where the assumption of perfect competition in the pass off with absolutely perfect. However, not all of the goods or services are sold in perfectly competitive markets. Some markets have only one person penjua, the seller is what determines the price of goods, sellers like this is called a monopoly. But in some other markets are perfectly competitive and inter-state monopoly. Such a market, called oligopi, particularly a few sellers who just do not always compete aggressively.
Although in this world there are different kinds of markets, we will start the lesson with a perfectly competitive market. Perfectly competitive market is a kind of market that is easy on the analysis. Moreover, because the competition is always present in jumlahtertentu in any type of market, so many lessons about supply and demand.


The number of requests from the price of goods is the amount of goods that are willing and able to be paid by the buyer. As we shall see, many things that determine the amount of demand for goods, but when we analyze how the market works, one is determining the price of goods. The relationship between price and the number of requests is applicable for most types of goods in the economy and the fact it is so common that economists call the law of demand, law of demand is the statement that if all things in the same leave, when the price of a good menungkat the number of requests it will to decline.
A different situation where the price of goods or services rises dramatically then there is no single buyer who bought it, it is called by the demand schedule where the table that shows the relationship between the price of an asset and the amount of demand for goods, assuming other things that affect the willingness of consumers to buy goods are not changed.

Shifts in the Demand Curve
The results of the demand curve need not always stable over time. If something happens and change the number of requests at a price, the demand curve will shift. There are many variables that can shift the demand curve, the following are important:
a. Revenue
If the demand for an item is reduced when income is reduced, then the item is called capital goods, but not all goods are normal goods. If demand for goods increases as income decreases stuff called inferior goods.
b. Price of related goods
When the reduction occurs at a price of reducing the demand for other goods, the goods were on call substitute goods or replacement goods. When the decline that occurred in the price of a good increases demand for other goods, both at the call of a complement.


Amount of the bid of an item is the amount of goods that are willing and able to be sold by the seller. Many things determine the amount of supply of goods, but when we analyze how the market works, one is determining the price of goods.
At low prices, some sellers actually will choose to close his business, so the quantity supplied falls to zero. Because the number of bids increases and decreases as price fluctuations, can we say that the amount of the bid is positively related to price. The relationship between price and the amount of the bid is valid for most types of goods in the economy thus referred to as the law of supply while the table that shows the price of a good relationship between the quantity supplied, assuming all other factors that affect a manufacturer wishes to produce goods that no one to change.

Shifts in Supply Curve

The supply curve shows how big the number is on offer for every level of producer prices, assuming all other factors, beyond price, which affect a manufacturer's decision to sell barangitu, nothing has changed. There are many variables that can shift the supply curve. Berikutadalah some important things:
a. Technology
Technology to transform inputs into outputs are also determinants of supply
b. Hope
The number of bids or the extent of a company depends on peruahaan hope in the future.
c. Number of Sales
The market supply depends on the factors that influence the expectations


Now it's time to combine the two to see how both of them to see how they determine the amount of goods that are sold in one market and selling price.

The balance point
Situation where the price has made a number of supply and demand equal amount is called the balance point. Prices at this intersection is called the equilibrium price, equilibrium price is the price that balances the number of bids by the number of requests. Number of items in that regard in the call number of the balance, the balance amount is the amount of goods on offer at the asking price as well in balance.
The word balance is defined as a situation in which all existing forces balance each other, this definition also describes the balance amount of goods that are willing and able to buy as large as the amount of goods that are willing and able to sell. Equilibrium price is referred to as market-clearing price because at this price all parties in the market satisfy. Buyers have bought all they want to buy, the seller has to sell all they want to sell.
If the state of a market price is above the equilibrium price of these goods have a situation where the number of bids is greater than the number of requests or call the surplus. Whereas if the market price is below price keseimbanagan in this sort of situation where the number of requests is greater than the amount bid.
How quickly is the achievement of the balance point is different from one market to another, depending on how quickly the price can be adjusted. In most of the free market, surplus and shortage is only temporary because prices eventually will move towards equilibrium. This phenomenon is very common so called supply and demand. The law of supply and demand is the statement that the price of an item will change until equilibrium is reached between the number of requests by number of bids for the goods.

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